77 MW 2016 New Rolls Royce Trent 60 Natural Gas Turbine Generator Set

USP&E is selling Unused, 2016 Vintage Power Generation Equipment 77 MW 2016 New Rolls Royce Trent 60 Natural Gas Turbine Generator Set A. Rolls Royce Trent 60 Gas Turbine Generator Set B. HRSG is licensed. C. Siemens SST-300 C2S/160 STG 17.92 MW Site Conditions A. Rolls Royce USA, Ohio manufactured Trent 60 Gas Turbine Generator Set. -Manufactured in 2016, delivered in August 2017. 60MW Site Conditions. DLE Dry Low Emissions. Cold start to full power in under 10minutes. 50Hz, but easily convertible to 60Hz. Engine still preserved in the original shipping container. An aero-derivative gas turbine. B. HRSG C. Siemens Steam Turbine Generator SST-300 C2S/C160 -Manufactured in 2016. Output 17.92MW Site Conditions. Speed 7059 RPM. Admission Steam Temperature 400 Degrees C. Admission Steam Pressure 30 bara. Exhaust Pressure 0.07 bara. Rotation- Right; Seen in Steam Flow Direction. *Can SELL Individual Equipment Components from the Power Plant
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Manufacturer | Rolls Royce |
Model | Trent 60 |
Year | 2016 |
Condition | New |
Stock Number | USP009115 |
Wattage | 77 MW |
Hours | New! |
Fuel type | Natural Gas |
Frequency | 50 Hz |